Sunday, April 27, 2008

Teaching Strategies for ESL studnets DI

Use high interest authentic literature in the native language
Display a bilingual word wall for every subject area with graphics or illustrations
Provide opportunities to ESL students to use the computer as a tool to do research in their native language
Use the computer to encourage and maintain writing skills
Model for students and use step by step instruction in English

Listening centers with books on tape
Read illustrated stories - This is a very useful teaching tool, especially helpful to differentiate instruction when working with ELL students or students who a slow readers.
Use high interest literature that reflects on students’ culture
Use charts, graphing organizers, illustrations and pictures
Use manipulatives and real objects
Assign a “bilingual buddy” during cooperative learning activities
Use role playing and reader’s theater to help with fluency
Use the computer as a tool of writing
Use cognates (words that are spelled and pronounced similar to both languages and have the same meaning)

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