Monday, April 28, 2008

Hello, my name is "they"

One of the most important words in the English language for each individual is their own name. For some, their name carries a special significance, identity, sentimental importance, and deep links to their family and heritage. For others, it is considered a personal affront to mispronounce their name.

It is because of this deep personal connection that humans have to their name, that I came up with this idea. Every day, I ask my students if they would like to volunteer and change their name to one of the week's sight words. During the entire day, the volunteer assumes the sight word as his or her name and wears a sign around the neck with the sight word on it. Fellow classmates will refer to the student by the sight word (not the student's name). During read-aloud, the volunteer may wave his fist in the air and holler "whoo... whoo... whoo" if the sight word is used in the story.

Students who volunteer to adopt their sight word name become much more aware of the use of the particular word in speech and literature and make it their personal mission to advocate for the word -- teaching other students to know it, read it, and learn how to spell it.

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