Monday, April 28, 2008

Planning with MI in Mind

The tool/idea I'd like to share serves as an aid in planning with MI in mind. As I choose a topic or idea I would like to teach my students, I place that topic in the middle of a blank piece of paper and draw eight line (one for each of the intelligences). I then challenge myself to assign activities for each of the intelligences that would offer learning skills for that particular topic. An example might include the topic of measurements. The skills might include:

1) Using story-telling skills recite a story or poem dealing with measurement/conversions.

2) Making/drawing a poster demonstrating their understanding of measurements

3) Bringing examples from nature where measurements are involved

4) Create diagram /chart explaining measurement conversion

5) Preform a rap or jingle designed to help other student remember the basis rules of conversions

6) Perform a skit showing the importance of measurements and their uses

7) Write a story where measurements are involved

8) Conduct a round-table discussion of measurements/conversions or the metric systems in today's society

Learner Outcome: student have choices and can therefore choose tasks that are in-line with their preferred intelligence. Indirectly, their understanding and achievement both improve.

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