I have students fill out self reflections every few days - maybe once or twice a week - to have them think about how they are doing in class and see their own progress. These self reflections also remind students of my expectations for their class work, conduct, etc. They can be modified to include whatever you want students to focus on. I basically make a table in Microsoft Word with headings for five days so they can be re-used, and each row is for a different topic like "I did all of my assignments in class" or "I followed classroom rules." Then, in each box, students give themselves a 1, 2, or 3. It's quick and easy. I let students write any questions or comments on the back, and that lets me get feedback from the students and to hold some private conversations that I wouldn't normally get in a science class (about any topic they want).
Download the sample here: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/DownloadDoc.aspx?doc_id=528901
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